A good way for a company to grow is by having an open workspace and HQ Greensboro is a flexible, Community of Entrepreneurs, which can accommodate to helping people reach their purpose in their company’s structures build up. Running with Horses is one of the manifold businesses that has their working space at HQ Greensboro.
Running with Horses is a community-based organization that has been around for about five years. Its focus is to bring the public together by setting up entertaining events and to connect with the people.
Randi Tollner is a graduate of UNC Greensboro who is responsible for the logistics of the company. Her partner, Nick Loflin also graduated from UNC Greensboro and handles the marketing of Running with Horses.
Running with Horses is primarily known for putting on many events around the community such as races like John’s Run and the Zombie Run. This year, Running with Horses has been contracted by Downtown Greensboro Inc. (DGI) to help plan Greensboro’s annual Fun Fourth Event that will take place on the Fourth of July. This is a colossal event that will hold approximately 50,000 people in the middle of downtown Greensboro. “July 4th is just a big day. We’re lucky to get the chance to be able to celebrate it! This year the festival will be highlighting aspects of Greensboro’s past, present, and future. What we hope for people to gain is a connection to the downtown area, connections with things happening in the city, and a good time,” stated Randi Tollner.
The beauty lies within the experience and that is why this organization also promotes working with young adults, giving them a chance to develop their professional skills and network through internships. Besides this, the interns are a big help to the Running with Horses staff as they get to do a lot of hands on work.
Michael Jones is an undergraduate student at UNC Greensboro and is Tollner’s intern this summer. Jones is majoring in Event Planning and minoring in Communications. As an intern, Jones has the opportunity of not only working with Running with Horses but he has been given tasks to accomplish throughout. He must edit documents, post flyers around town, helps run the company’s social media, Facebook and Instagram, and will help coordinate events in the near future. “The main goal is to have an all inclusive community,” said Jones.
All in all, Running with Horses is a prime organization that is centered on bringing Greensboro together. They are giving back to the community in order to connect as best as possible and in return, we the people, just need to have fun. “Being a small company, HQ has offered us a lot. Not only a space that we are able to conduct business in, but it’s much more than that. Being at HQ makes you feel like you are a part of a community. There have been multiple times where someone has helped us with a project we are working on, or connected us to someone who can help. Everyone here is supportive and encouraging. We all want to see each other succeed,” said Tollner. Together Running with Horses and HQ Greensboro work to strive to unify the community of Greensboro to be a better place.

To find out more information feel free to check out Running with Horse’s website.