Meet HQG member, Courtney McSwain! After working in various roles in communications for nonprofits, she shifted to starting her own business, CM Storytelling.

Born and raised in Greensboro, Courtney has lived here most of her life. She graduated from NCAT University with a focus in sociology and went on to American University in Washington, D.C to pursue public policy. She worked for an education think tank for 4 years doing research on education policy!

“I help purpose-driven entrepreneurs clarify and create their foundational story, who they are, what’s their purpose, what’s their story, connect with their audience, and help them figure out how to maintain their story through communications.” 

Courtney currently offers clarity sessions and workshops to help coach entrepreneurs through this process. She currently offers a free mini-workshop on surviving entrepreneurship with clarity as well. She is also working on a workshop series to be hosted at HQ Greensboro.

“This workshop is like a storytelling/communications bootcamp for entrepreneurs. It aims to help entrepreneurs discover their foundational storytelling assets that includes their mission, vision and purpose.”

Until then, Courtney is currently hosting an IG Live series, Story Talk!, where she interviews creative entrepreneurs about their business and unpacks the journey of entrepreneurship. They discuss how they use the power of their story to connect and communicate with their audience. They discuss how they are faring with COVID-19 and different strategies on pivoting and adapting to this unique situation.

“We hope that entrepreneurs are able to find inspiration during these hard times through this series!”

While working on all of her amazing projects, Courtney has found that working at HQ has helped the process.

“I can work at home effectively, but it’s ideal to go to another place. It creates a transition in my brain to put on my ‘work hat’ and get productive and focused. I love HQ’s location because it’s downtown and it’s close to parks where I can take breaks. It’s also nice to be able to sit in my office and have dedicated creative thinking time. It’s also nice to be near other entrepreneurs to connect and see what’s going on in the local entrepreneur community. I like to know what’s emerging in the area and hear all the different ideas emerging. I wanted to intentionally place myself in the business community here so I can grow.”

Learn more about entrepreneurs in our community like Courtney on our blog!